![Safeguarding Matters](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq.jpg)
Safeguarding Matters is a podcast series hosted by the Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub where we discuss matters relating to safeguarding and Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment in the aid sector. We have conversations with thought leaders and practitioners who can offer insights that can help us all to better understand safeguarding and improve our practices.
![Safeguarding matters: A podcast on the 16 days of activism and the work of Nigeria Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub (RSH)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
This podcast is a radio interview with Dr. Eleanor Nwadinobi, Senior Adviser and National Sustainability lead at RSH (Resource and Support Hub) Nigeria Hub. She is explaining what the RSH is doing to prevent violence against girls as part of the "16 Days of Activism" campaign.
![Garantarea siguranței comunității rome din Republica Moldova ca răspuns la criza umanitară din Ucraina.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Acesta este al patrulea episod din cadrul seriei de podcasturi: Garantarea siguranței contează.
În cadrul seriei de podcasturi Garantarea siguranței contează, sunt realizate discuții cu manageri și practicieni, care ne vor oferi sugestii, recomandări și ne vor ajuta să înțelegem mai bine ce este Safeguarding (garantarea siguranței) și cum putem îmbunătăți practicile noastre în acest sens.
Invitata acestei ediții este dna Elena Sîrbu, președinta Platformei ROMNI din Moldova.
În acest episod, vom discuta despre problemele cheie de safeguarding (de garantare a siguranței) cu care se confruntă organizațiile societății civile rome din Republica Moldova și vom propune recomandări care necesită a fi luate în considerație pentru a îmbunătăți răspunsul la criza umanitară din Ucraina pentru refugiați ucraineni de etnie romă în Republica Moldova.
![Garantarea siguranței (safeguarding) copiilor cu dizabilități, ca răspuns la criza umanitară din Ucraina.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Invitata acestei ediții este dna Virginia Rusnac, director al Centrului Republican de Asistență Psihopedagogică din Republica Moldova. În acest episod, vom împărtăși lecțiile învățate și vom propune sugestii privind politicile de garantare a siguranței copiiilor cu dizabilități, ca răspuns la criza umanitară din Ucraina
![Spotlight on the mentor-mentee relationship: Fostering empowerment in safeguarding](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Spotlight on the mentor-mentee relationship: Fostering empowerment in safeguarding
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
In this podcast, we discuss the RSH mentorship in the MENA region, the impact of mentor-mentee relationship and how this contributes to cultivating a culture of trust, empowerment and in the prevention and mitigation of SEAH. Ranya Al-jaberi RSH National Representative for Yemen speaks with Hager ElSayed a mentor and Boshra Abdullah a mentee from xxxx a participant of the safeguarding mentorship programme by RSH. Through engaging conversations, thought provoking interviews and real-life anecdotes, this podcast offers a platform for mentors and mentees involved in the RSH MENA safeguarding mentorship scheme to share their experiences, overcome challenges and celebrate successes.
We'll dive into the role of mentors and how they can guide, and support individuals dedicated to safeguarding. This podcast will shed light on how mentorship fosters trust and connection, empowering mentees to become agents of change in their organisations and communities.
في هذا البودكاست، نناقش الارشاد والتوجيه من مركز الموارد والدعم في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وتأثير العلاقة بين المرشد/الموجه والمتدرب/المتعلم وكيف يساهم ذلك في تنمية ثقافة الثقة والتمكين في منع وتخفيف الاستغلال الجنسي والإساءة والتحرش الجنسيين.
رانيا الجابري، الممثلة الوطنية لمركز الموارد والدعم في اليمن، تتحدث مع هاجر السيد، أحد المرشدين في البرنامج وبشرى عبد الله، متدربة من اليمن ومشاركة في برنامج الارشاد والتوجيه من قبل مركز الموارد والدعم. من خلال المحادثات والمقابلات والنقاشات والخبرات والحكايات الواقعية، يوفر هذا البودكاست منصة للموجهين والمتدربين المشاركين في البرنامج الخاص بمركز الموارد والدعم في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا لمشاركة تجاربهم وطرق التغلب على التحديات والاحتفال بالنجاحات.
سوف نتعمق في دور الموجهين وكيف يمكنهم توجيه ودعم الأفراد المخصصين للصون. سيسلط هذا البودكاست الضوء على كيفية تعزيز الإرشاد للثقة والتواصل، وتمكين المتدربين ليصبحوا عوامل تغيير في منظماتهم ومجتمعاتهم.
![Bariery w zgłaszaniu incydentów safeguardingowych](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Bariery w zgłaszaniu incydentów safeguardingowych
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
W tym epizodzie rozważymy, dlaczego zgłaszanie incydentów safeguardingowych jest ważne i w jaki sposób możemy poprawić istniejące mechanizmy zgłaszania skarg w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa osobom pokrzywdzonym.
Natalia Skoczylas w rozmowie z Karoliną Mackiewicz wyjaśnia, co wpływa na ilość zgłaszanych incydentów safeguardingowych oraz wyjaśnia jak zapewnić, że proces skupia się na osobie pokrzywdzonej. Rozmawiają o tym, dlaczego polskie organizacje pozarządowe powinny być przygotowane na otrzymanie zgłoszenia o naruszeniu polityki safeguardingu i wiedzieć, jak z nimi postępować.
Natalia i Karolina tłumaczą, dlaczego uchodźczynie i uchodźcy powinni zgłaszać przypadki wykorzystywania i nadużyć seksualnych bez obawy, że wpłynie to na sposób w jaki są traktowane/i lub pomoc, która obecnie otrzymują. Podcast omawia, dlaczego organizacje społeczeństwa obywatelskiego powinny być przygotowane na otrzymanie zgłoszenia i jak z nim postępować w bezpieczny sposób.
![Guiding the Way: The Role of Leaders in Supporting Safeguarding in Eastern Europe](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Guiding the Way: The Role of Leaders in Supporting Safeguarding in Eastern Europe
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
In this episode, we'll be putting the spotlight on Clare Condillac, a human resources specialist who developed for Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe a series of bitesize leadership guidance's. Sarah Martin, the capacity building advisor of our hub is discussing with our guest the role of leaders in promoting a culture of safeguarding, the challenges that they may face, and how you can implement safeguarding into your organisation. All of it while looking from an Eastern European lens.
![Spotlight On: Why Skipping Safeguarding in Emergencies Isn’t an Option](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Spotlight On: Why Skipping Safeguarding in Emergencies Isn’t an Option
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
In this Spotlight On episode, Enikő Vass, Safeguarding Hub Eastern Europe's regional communications manager speaks with Alice Gentile, head of global ethics and compliance office at Terre des hommes foundation in Lausanne. Together they explore the impact of safeguarding on her personal life, the importance of being aware of safeguarding in emergency situations, and the challenges of balancing a survivor-centred approach with the need to reach conclusions in investigations.
![Lecții de viață în garantarea siguranței (safeguarding) de la Tdh Moldova](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Lecții de viață în garantarea siguranței (safeguarding) de la Tdh Moldova
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Acesta este al doilea episod din cadrul seriei de podcasturi Spotlight On.
În cadrul seriei de podcasturi Spotlight On, vor fi realizate discuții cu manageri și practicieni, care ne vor oferi sugestii, recomandări și ne vor ajuta să înțelegem mai bine ce este Safeguarding (garantarea siguranței) și cum putem îmbunătăți practicile noastre în acest sens.
Invitata acestei ediții este Elena Madan, director de țară Terre des hommes Moldova.
În acest episod, vom împărtăși lecțiile de safeguarding învățate și vom propune sugestii privind politicile de garantare a siguranței, ca răspuns la criza umanitară din Ucraina.
![Protecting the Vulnerable: Understanding how to make recruitment of volunteers and personnel safe](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Safe recruitment means integrating safeguarding elements into every step of the recruitment cycle. However, for small non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations, having a dedicated person working on human resources is often a challenge, particularly during intense times like the influx of refugees from the war on Ukraine. Employers are often faced with the need to bring staff on board immediately to respond to needs while also screening candidates to ensure that they do not cause harm to the refugees by engaging in unsafe behaviours. It is difficult to get the balance right.
Join the Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub Eastern Europe for a conversation between Sophie Mourre, experienced humanitarian resources specialist with a background in many emergencies and Inez Książek, the Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub regional manager. Topics covered will include: challenges in safe recruitment in Eastern Europe, Legal frameworks & Compliance and safe recruitment in emergencies.
![Spotlight on Eastern Europe: Introducere în domeniul safeguarding-ului (garantarea siguranței)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/8574421/SDD_RSH_Logo_Horiz_AW_RGB_sq_300x300.jpg)
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
În acest podcast introductiv, Elena Cofaru vorbește cu Paul Bercea, expert international în garantarea siguranței despre noțiunea de safeguarding și particularitățile acesteia. Ascultătorii pot învăța ce înseamnă safeguarding-ul și se pot familiariza cu măsuri practice pe care orice ONG de mici dimensiuni din România le poate implementa pentru a garanta siguranța participanților la activitățile lor.